Release: 31.1.2025
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.10.0.
Release: 27.12.2024
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2024-03 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.9.0.
Release: 30.11.2024
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.8.0.
Release: 25.10.2024
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.7.0.
Release: 6.10.2024
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2023-12 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
You also need to run Eclipse with Java 21 or later. You can still compile and analyze projects that use an older Java version. To set the JVM, you have to set the parameter -vm in your eclipse.ini accordingly. The Eclipse Wiki explains how to set up the JVM correctly.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.6.0.
Release: 30.8.2024
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.5.0.
Release: 26.7.2024
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.4.0.
Release: 28.6.2024
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2023-09 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.3.0.
Release: 1.6.2024
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.2.0.
Release: 2.5.2024
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.1.0.
This release fixes a bug where the PMD property page could not be created if the plugin could not to find the ruleset file.
Release: 7.4.2024
Eclipse repository:
The PMD property page now marks invalid rule sets with an error marker and an offers a tool tip with a hint.
You need Eclipse 2023-06 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
Release: 24.3.2024
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 7.0.0.
eclipse-pmd now also supports Kotlin.
eclipse-pmd now also supports Swift.
You need Eclipse 2023-06 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
Release: 26.2.2023
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.55.0.
Release: 5.2.2023
Eclipse repository:
eclipse-pmd now adds the classpath for those Java PMD rules using type resolution.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.54.0.
Release: 2.1.2023
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2022-03 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.53.0.
Release: 26.11.2022
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.52.0.
Release: 30.10.2022
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.51.0.
Release: 15.10.2022
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2019-12 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
You also need to run Eclipse with Java 17 or later. You can still compile and analyze projects that use an older Java version. To set the JVM, you have to set the parameter -vm in your eclipse.ini accordingly. The Eclipse Wiki explains how to set up the JVM correctly.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.50.0.
Release: 31.8.2022
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.49.0.
Release: 31.7.2022
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.48.0.
Release: 27.6.2022
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2021-09 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.47.0.
Release: 29.5.2022
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.46.0.
Release: 30.4.2022
Eclipse repository:
eclipse-pmd now also supports HTML.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.45.0.
Release: 3.4.2022
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2021-06 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.44.0.
Release: 27.2.2022
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.43.0.
Release: 29.01.2022
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2021-03 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.42.0.
Release: 01.12.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.41.0.
Release: 30.10.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.40.0.
Release: 26.09.2021
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2020-12 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
Sebastian Ratz contributed a change that removes noisy log messages in the Eclipse error log.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.39.0.
Release: 29.08.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.38.0.
Release: 03.08.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.37.0.
Release: 02.07.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.36.0.
Release: 06.06.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.35.0.
Release: 26.04.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.34.0.
Release: 28.03.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.33.0.
Release: 27.02.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.32.0.
Release: 02.02.2021
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.31.0.
Release: 13.12.2020
Eclipse repository:
eclipse-pmd now also supports Salesforce VisualForce.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.30.0.
Release: 25.10.2020
Eclipse repository:
This release fixes a bug where the plugin did not mark the correct location if the code uses tabs for indentation.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.29.0.
Release: 4.10.2020
Eclipse repository:
This release fixes a bug where a cached rule set would not be invalidated when its corresponding rule set file is changed.
Release: 29.9.2020
Eclipse repository:
This release updates a dependency that prevented PMD from analyzing some Java files.
Release: 28.9.2020
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2019-12 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.28.0.
Release: 2.9.2020
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.27.0.
Release: 25.7.2020
Eclipse repository:
The plugin can now analyze projects concurrently (if nothing else during the build locks the entire workspace).
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.26.0.
Release: 28.6.2020
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2019-09 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.25.0.
Release: 5.6.2020
Eclipse repository:
You need Eclipse 2019-06 or later to run eclipse-pmd. Eclipse releases older than one year are not supported anymore.
You also need to run Eclipse with Java 11 or later. You can still compile and analyze projects that use an older Java version. To set the JVM, you have to set the parameter -vm in your eclipse.ini accordingly. The Eclipse Wiki explains how to set up the JVM correctly.
eclipse-pmd now also supports Apex, a language to execute flow and transaction control statements on Salesforce servers.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.24.0.
Release: 3.5.2020
Eclipse repository:
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.23.0.
Release: 13.3.2020
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.22.0.
Release: 25.1.2020
eclipse-pmd now also supports Modelica, a language to model complex physical systems.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.21.0.
Release: 2.12.2019
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.20.0 (except for the Scala rules which are still at version 6.17.0 due to an issue with a dependency).
Release: 3.11.2019
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.19.0 (except for the Scala rules which are still at version 6.17.0 due to an issue with a dependency).
Release: 7.10.2019
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.18.0 (except for the Scala rules which are still at version 6.17.0 due to an issue with a new dependency).
Release: 4.9.2019
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.17.0.
Release: 30.6.2019
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.16.0.
Release: 26.5.2019
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.15.0.
Release: 30.4.2019
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.14.0.
Release: 31.3.2019
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.13.0.
Release: 24.2.2019
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.12.0.
Release: 2.12.2018
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.9.0.
Release: 27.10.2018
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.8.0.
Release: 4.8.2018
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.6.0.
Release: 9.6.2018
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.4.0.
Release: 29.4.2018
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.3.0.
Release: 2.4.2018
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 6.2.0.
Release: 4.7.2017
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.8.1.
Release: 29.5.2017
Until now eclipse-pmd did exclude files that were marked as derived but not files that had only one of its parent folders marked as derived but were not marked themselves. Now it is enough to mark a folder as derived and eclipse-pmd will exclude all of its files.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.7.0.
Release: 6.12.2015
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.4.1.
Release: 1.11.2015
New quick fixes are available for the following rules: AddEmptyString, UseVarargs, UnnecessaryCaseChange.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.4.0.
Release: 26.7.2015
New quick fixes are available for the following rules: MethodReturnsInternalArray.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.3.3.
Release: 23.5.2015
Invalid rule sets are marked in the PMD property page with an icon.
New quick fixes are available for the following rules: UseUtilityClass.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.3.2.
Release: 19.3.2015
This release fixes a gnarly class loader bug in version 1.4 which sometimes prevents eclipse-pmd from running PMD with an error message like "Unknown Language 'java' for Rule JumbledIncrementer".
Release: 21.12.2014
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.2.2.
Release: 19.11.2014
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.2.1.
Release: 2.9.2014
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.1.3.
Release: 15.8.2014
This release fixes a bug in version 1.1 which prevents eclipse-pmd from executing the Java rules OneDeclarationPerLine and AvoidLiteralsInIfCondition.
Release: 10.8.2014
New quick fixes are available for the following rules: IntegerInstantiation, ByteInstantiation, ShortInstantiation, LongInstantiation.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.1.2.
Release: 13.7.2014
This release fixes a bug in version 1.0.1 which prevents eclipse-pmd from analysing Apache Velocity templates.
Release: 5.7.2014
This release fixes a bug in version 1.0.0 which prevents setting up a new workspace relative rule set configuration if the project containing the rule set file is stored outside the workspace folder.
Release: 4.6.2014
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.1.1.
Release: 1.3.2014
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.1.0
Release: 8.2.2014
This release fixes a critical bug in version 0.8 which prevents the project property dialog from being opened when Eclipse runs on the early access version of Oracle's JDK 8.
Release: 26.1.2014
The eclipse-pmd configuration is now stored in the file .eclipse-pmd in the root of each project. This makes it easy to share an eclipse-pmd configuration across a development team by putting it in version control with the rest of the code. When someone from the team changes the configuration an puts it in version control, eclipse-pmd will automatically apply the changes when the other team members fetch the updated configuration from version control.
eclipse-pmd stored the configuration in the workspace of your Eclipse installation up to version 0.8. eclipse-pmd will convert the configuration automatically after you use eclipse-pmd the first time after updating to version 0.8.
eclipse-pmd needs to run on a Java 7 VM. As Eclipse happily installs plug-ins that will not run due to their runtime requirements, eclipse-pmd now shows a message on the PMD property page explaining the situation and how to resolve it.
New quick fixes are available for the following rules: UselessOverridingMethodRule, UnnecessaryReturn.
Release: 21.9.2013
New quick fixes are available for the following rules: AppendCharacterWithChar, UseIndexOfChar, StringToString.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.0.5
Release: 9.6.2013
eclipse-pmd supports PMD rule set configurations stored at a remote location. Use this type if you have a rule set configuration file that is only available via an URI.
Release: 5.5.2013
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.0.4
Release: 31.3.2013
This change adds preferences to configure style and colour of PMD annotations in text editors. The
General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations
preference page lists the PMD Violations annotation and allows setting its preference values.
New quick fixes are available for the following rules: DefaultLabelNotLastInSwitchStmt, EqualsNull, UseNotifyAllInsteadOfNotify, UseCollectionIsEmpty, SingularField.
Released: 2.3.2012
A new quick fix is available that adds a
annotation to suppress PMD warnings.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.0.2
Released: 29.1.2013
New quick fixes are available for the following rules: EmptyIfStmt, EmptyWhileStmt, EmptyTryBlock, EmptyFinallyBlock, EmptySwitchStatements, EmptySynchronizedBlock, EmptyInitializer, EmptyStatementBlock, EmptyStaticInitializer, EmptyStatementNotInLoop, RedundantFieldInitializer, SimplifyStartsWith.
The embedded PMD has been updated to version 5.0.1
Released: 28.12.2012
eclipse-pmd provides quick fixes for a couple of PMD rules that can be fixed automatically. Quick fixes are available for the following rules: ExtendsObject, SuspiciousHashcodeMethodName, LocalVariableCouldBeFinal, MethodArgumentCouldBeFinal.
You can apply a quick fix to multiple violations of the same type at once if you use the context menu on a PMD problem in the Problems view and select the item "Quick Fix".
This feature lets you use multiple PMD ruleset configurations. Once a configuration is created it is available to all projects in the workspace and can be activated for each project individually.
Besides the PMD rule set configurations stored at an absolute path in the file system, eclipse-pmd also supports PMD rule set configurations stored relative to the workspace or project. The workspace type is used when you want to use the same PMD rule set configuration for several projects in the workspace. If you want to use a different PMD ruleset configuration for each project, you can use the project type. And as long as those PMD ruleset configurations are at the same place within the projects, you need to set up the configuration only once.
Besides Java, eclipse-pmd now also supports the additional languages that came with PMD 5.0. Supported are JavaScript, XML, XSL and JSP/JSF.